News and Events
Welcome to the Central Manchester branch of CAMRA
News and Events
Next Branch Meeting
The Branch Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 11th March at Gas Lamp. At which the Branch decided the 2025 Pub Of The Year which was, once again, the City Arms with FellNQ becoming our Cider Pub Of The Year. We will post details of any presentations when they are confirmed!!
The next Branch meeting will be on Monday 13th May 1830, provisionally at the Britons Protection., confirmation will follow soon as! Details of any further meetings (incl Branch and Committee) will be posted as soon as they are confirmed.
Latest Pub News
The new Oxford Road Tap as is the new Trading Route are now open - the latter serving pints from Manchester Union BreweryWhen you visit any pubs in the Branch area (or for that matter in ANY Branch!) make sure your score your beers on What Pub but see below! We need the scores to decide our entries for future GBG's.
Please note that WhatPub will be retired in the coming months, to be replaced by the brand-new CAMRA Experience We encourage you to start using and familiarizing yourself with this new platform before WhatPub is phased out.
Branch Socials
On April 17th - In the Smithfield Market Tavern, home of the Blackjack Brewery Tap Blackjack Brewery, won a Champion Winter Beer of Britain . (CWBOB) Silver award for Session Stouts and Porters and a Champion Beer of Britain award (CBOB) Regional/National awards for NW and Merseyside & Cheshire 2025 Gold in (Liverpool) Session Stouts and Porters, Meet at 1830 for presentations at 1900. Followed by a visit to Port Street Beer House for their 2025 award presentation as a pub serving Consistently Excellent Beer Choice and Quality Meet at 1930ish with award presentation about 2000<,/b>
The Cider Pub of The Year 2025 is FellNQ, presentation on 1st May, probably 1900 TBC
Our Pub of The Year2025 is, once again, the wonderful City Arms! with the presentation on 22nd May, again, probably about 1900 TBC
News of any socials will be posted here as soon as they are known!. Meanwhile enjoy your beers - and score them! If you have any thoughts or ideas for any socials please let the Branch Chair know! ku.gro.armac.retsehcnamlartnec@riahc
Thank you for being a valued member of CAMRA.!
Cheers, Branch Chair, Sean O'Mahoney (he/him)
If you have any thoughts as to where we may go or where you would like to go, for any future social, let us know via ku.gro.armac.retsehcnamlartnec@riahc and we'll see if we can sort it!